THERE are thousands of babies ripped apart daily and if there is no respect for life nothing else maters. The babies and mothers need our voices and action. The children you save are likely to include your cousins and grandchildren.
Thank you and may God bless our efforts, tony walker
Please tell me any other ideas you may have to add to this list I would love to hear any encouragement that you have to share. tony walker email: [email protected] Website: phone: 865-242-7541 .
Abortion, What can I do? A list of activities a person can do to speak out against abortion.
Message to Pastors, Teachers, Family, and Friends, A list of actions. (Download file below) What can I do about abortion? Thanks for being a voice for the children in the womb. I am grateful for whatever teaching you are doing to instruct people around you about the truth of abortion. We need to know and be aware of what is going on and being advocated around us on this topic. Over 23,000 babies are being ripped out and trashed weekly in this country alone, and women are suffering the anguish of killing their own children. And those mothers and the public as a whole are becoming more and more hardened to this atrocity as they search for ways of accepting the actions they have already taken, not wanting to face the truth that abortion is a wickedness against God in killing his heritage. Sacrificing his children to the god of convenience, the god of self, the god of death.
I am rejoicing that people are being informed. OK so now what? What action are people being instructed that they as individuals can themselves take to be an active voice for the unborn? What encouragement do you have as an instructor to help people to know what they could be doing to bring about a change of heart in this nation? Actions that encourage and give strength to mothers, to be protective of their own children, of the gift God has given them. Actions that help people to see the unborn as a blessing as God sees them and calls them a heritage and a reward.
People can be encouraged to see the need that everyone should be doing something to speak out against these children being taken to death, as these children can do nothing to help themselves.
THERE are thousands of babies ripped apart daily and if there is no respect for life nothing else maters. The babies and mothers need our voices and our action. The children you save are likely to include your grandchildren. Thank you and may God bless our efforts, tony walker
Maybe you can give some more ideas by responding below.
(what_can_i_do_about_abortion_to_pastors_teachers_family_and_friends.rtf) this list can be downloaded by clicking the link below
(1) Something very easy to do is to wear a Button that speaks for the unborn children. This is something that can be done every day to speak to church members, strangers, cashiers, neighbors, friends, and family. If people would just wear a button and ask people, “what do you think of my button?”, this is a very easy way to bring up about 23,000 helpless children being killed by abortion weekly.
(2) Something that can be done is to go and be a witness against abortion at a local place of abortion. One can stand and pray at deaths door and maybe also hold a sign encouraging women to please choose to not kill their child, or offering hope and help so they do not feel that killing their child is a thought they would even consider. This is probably once or twice a week or month.
(3) A person could be offering to help at a crisis pregnancy center (once or twice a week or month), or offer to provide goods or services to this place of help and hope, or contribute financial assistance (once a month to once a year) to help make a crisis pregnancy center able to reach out and help more.
(4) T-shirts (speaking every time you wear it) .
(5) Bumper stickers & license plates (Put it on and you're speaking all year or your car is) Get free car stickers from me. call me at 865-242-7541
(6) Letters to the editor, Blogs, Social media, Facebook, (speak every time you post and share)
(7) Being part of “Life Chain”, “Choice Chain”, “40Days for Life”, “GAP-Genocide Awareness Project”, or manning a “Pro-Life booth” at a fair (several times a year)
(8) Voting (once a year to once every four years) But if you as an individual do nothing but vote, why would you expect the government to take action???
(9) Talking to family, friends, and neighbors (every day to several times a month)
(10) Do things to activate more people i.e. Give people buttons, Invite people to come and pray at abortion's door with you, encourage others to share on social media and/or write to newspaper.
(11) You can cut out and paste or tape pictures of babies in the womb or Killed (aborted) babies on your out going mail such as bills, bank transactions, mail orders, letters,… and write some pro-life message with them, or a lesser thing would be to stick such info. Inside each outgoing mail item, but fewer people would see it this way. Check out my Mail Cutouts Page: ""
Below is a two page Downloadable list "What Can I Do About Abortion?"
Just click on The Adobe file with the red triangle and it will open in your browser window. You can save either file to your device and open them later. The "Open Doc. Text (.odt)" is a text file that you can edit with "Word" and add more things to your list. (And maybe share them with me and others)